Fox Saliant Studios!



Whatever Works

Hello peeps!

So, the by-week, as usual, didn't go as I'd planned.  While I was able to get some work done and upload some things, I found myself sick for a good chunk of the week.  I guess I only slow down to do these things
when I'm already feeling kind of low, otherwise I would have just continued working at pace.  But, I do really need to slow down a bit.  My health hasn't been the best recently and I need to focus more on taking
care of myself so I that I can continue doing the things that I need to do for the forseeable future.

I always just  feel like I'm behind the eight ball, and that I don't really have a shot at making or doing the things that I want to do.  I'm trying my best to get everything worked out so that I can get back to square one,
but I'm jittery and nervous, and I don't feel like I can manage it all.  I am excited about what I want to do, but often when it gets to making my body do the things that my mind wants, that's difficult. 
That's everyone, of course, I'm not special in that regard, but you can understand how frustrating that is.  To want something so bad, and know that you're perfectly capable of it, but not being able to force
yourself to do it.

So, for a while anyway, I want to try something new.  With the exception of Sketch on the Spot (which is its own thing), we'll be shortening the streams a bit and running them three times a week.
Each stream will be two halves, about two hours long each, focused on one job, with an approximately 30 minute break in the middle.  This will round out to about five-ish hours, I hope, and accomplish two things.
One, it will enable to focus on a bite sized chunk of work that I don't have to fret or feel too intimidated by.  I can just plop on a few albums and go and forget the world exists for a while.  Two, it will hopefully give
me more time to take care of myself; shower in the mornings, get a good breakfast, take walks in the afternoon, and the like.  Hopefully this will stifle the dread of tackling these large projects and give me time
to chip away at uploads and site updates at a more liesurely pace, rather than cramming them all in on Sundays or on some random day of the week that I've found myself with nothing to do where I really should
actually be relaxing.

Sketch on the Spot will function as it has, of course, but I'll jostle it around a bit now and again, so that people who can't usually attend can have a chance at getting something.

I don't know how well this will work, but I figured I should just try something.  I'm a little low, and I always feel caged in when I'm ill, like I need to make a change or something is going to implode in on me, and
that doing so is the only real way to make progress.  I don't know if that's the case, probably not.  But I have to do something.

Anyway, here's the schedule.


Commission List
Year Notice # Client Type Status
!!! #016 Salisha Standard In Progress!
!!! #026 [REDACTED] Standard In Progress!
!!! #038 ElBoberto Standard In Queue!
2024 !!! #002 Salisha Addendum In Progress!

Discount Bin
Orivon: TCF Foundation ID [TBD]
Ravegrave: Caramel and Taffy Satou [TBD]
Mista: TCF Foundation ID [TBD]

Tax Loan - $306

Weekly Planner
This Week
Sunday 05/05 - Weekly Update
- Site Updates
Monday 05/06 - [Stream] Random Rolls
- [Stream]
Random Rolls
- Uploads
Tuesday 05/07 - Off Day
Wednesday 05/08 - [Stream] Discount Bin
- [Stream]
Commission Work: #2023-026
- Uploads
Thursday 05/09 - [Stream] Bookmark Designs
- [Stream]
Commission Work: #2023-026
- Art Back-Ups
Friday 05/10 - [Stream] Sketch on the Spot!
Saturday 05/11 - Off Day
Next Week
Sunday 05/12 - Mother's Day (U.S.)
- Weekly Update
- Site Updates
Monday 05/13 - [Stream] Bookmark Designs
- [Stream] Commission Work: #2023-026 [!!!]
- Uploads
Tuesday 05/14 - [Stream] Bookmark Designs
- [Stream] Commission Work: #2023-026 [!!!]
- Art Back-Up
Wednesday 05/15 - [Stream] Sketch on the Spot!
Thursday 05/16 - [Stream] Discount Bin
- [Stream] Commission Button Design
- Uploads
Friday 05/17 - Spring Cleaning
Saturday 05/18 - Off Day
Q2 2024 May - Upload all of my 2024 pieces to my online galleries
- Complete the remainder of the outstanding commissions (3 Remain!)
- Burn all 2020 - 2023 pieces to blu-ray.
- Contact all remaining order holders for unpulled orders in the Commission Form
- Repay Tax Loan
- Fill out Health Insurance Forms
- Prepare FSS Merch for Production (Bookmark Set 1)
- Design and Print FSS Business Cards
June - Upload all of my '00s era pieces to Fox Saliant Studios
- Finish my collab with Azure Dreamer
- Merch Designs: Sticker Sets, Character Cards, Postcards/Art Cards
- Begin building comics buffer (again)
Q3 2024 - Return to prioritizing Various Happenings and The Adventures of Clara Cosmos

So the plan is to focus on things in terms of priority:

- [Priority] Finish remaining commissions (3 Remain)
   - If none remain, pull commission from leftover forms
- [Paused] Finish one (1) comic update per week (Various Happenings or The Adventures of Clara Cosmos)
   - Try to alternate between the two
- Do Discount Bin items
- Work on Azure Dreamer collab

The Fox Saliant Studios Q2 2024 Survey is still up for those of y'all interested in giving me feedback on the goings on of things around here!  It only takes a few minutes, and I appreciate all the feedback I get.
I'll keep it up for one more week or so and then give some feedback myself on the results.  So if you're interested and haven't filled it out, please do.

I'm going to be on the hunt for some appropriate cardstock for the first set of bookmarks, which I hope to have ready to ship out by the end of the month.  I'm rather excited, but that also means I have eight designs
that I need to create, and that's going to be a bit harrowing!  Still, it'll be worth it in the end, I hope.  I just need to prove to myself that I can do this, and get back to making comics full time.

It's been warm now and again, though it usually doesn't last more than a day or two.  Otherwise the weather has been very nice.  I really need to get out more.  I hope you are all doing well.

Until next time, peeps.  Thanks for reading.


Commission Rules - Commission Submission Form - Discount Bin

  Various HappeningsSupport    
Clara CosmosSupport
    Special Thanks - Header

This Month


(Under Construction)
Useful Stuff

 Commission Info - Redbubble Shop - Stream

Direct (via Stripe) - SubscribeStar - Ko-Fi (The Adventures of Clara Cosmos)

SubscribeStar - The Hall of Friends


All Content © Fox Saliant Studios, 2006-2024, Unless Otherwise Specified